Dear Ethel | Issue 26
Posted 11:57am Saturday 8th October 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, My mum’s really sick and I may have to drop everything to go home any day. Dad’s not working at the moment and I don’t want to ask him for money because everything is going towards mum’s medical bills. Is there anywhere I can get some financial help? Also, what Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 24
Posted 11:45am Saturday 24th September 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, I am super stressed out. What if I fail my exams? I haven’t done so well this year so I seriously have to pass everything. Can’t eat, can’t sleep… what can I do? Pass or pass out Breathe! You have time and if you take it steady, you are likely Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 23
Posted 1:20pm Saturday 17th September 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, The power at our flat has been cut off. I had no idea that we were behind, our monthly payments go to one of the flatties who arranged it all at the start of the year. Turns out someone has been strapped for cash and bailing on their share but no-one’s been talking about it. Now Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 22
Posted 12:10pm Saturday 10th September 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, My car just failed its warrant of fitness and I can’t afford the $220 it’s going to cost to get it repaired. I need my car because I’m living in Brockville and the buses are terrible and super expensive. Any ideas? -Wheelin’, not Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 21
Posted 12:04pm Sunday 4th September 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, I’m living in a studio room and it’s really miserable. I never see any of my other housemates and when I do, it’s just in passing. The kitchen’s always gross but I don’t feel I can saying anything about it. I’m so uncomfortable using the communal Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 20
Posted 12:54pm Sunday 21st August 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, One of my flatmates has been doing a lot of drugs recently and I don’t really like flatting with him anymore. I’m also really worried about him. He used to be really chill but not anymore. He’s got these new ‘friends’ that spend heaps of time at our place Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 18
Posted 1:46pm Sunday 7th August 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, I am an international student and English is my second language. I am looking forward to meeting other gay people at Otago and making new friends, but I’m nervous about going to events on my own. Even though I was nervous I went to a group the other day and was very confused Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 17
Posted 12:56pm Sunday 31st July 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, I’ve just finished a placement for my course and yesterday I found out that I have failed. I was being bullied by my supervisor the whole time and I think they deliberately failed me because they don’t like me. What can I do? I don’t want to have to repeat placement Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 16
Posted 12:00pm Sunday 24th July 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, I’ve always been into girls but lately I’ve also found myself attracted to certain guys. Sometimes it feels like there is pressure to either be gay or straight, and I don’t know any other guy who is bisexual. Do bisexual men even exist? I don’t know where to go Read more...
Dear Ethel | Issue 15
Posted 12:19pm Sunday 17th July 2016 by Student Support

Dear Ethel, Two of my flatmates are being really awful to me. They turn the hot water off when I’m in the shower, they walk out of the room if I walk in. Yesterday they shoved me against the wall and said ‘sorry’ as if it was an accident. I started to cry and the two of them Read more...

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dear ethel