Beerfest For JAFAs Went Well
Posted 10:19pm Saturday 10th April 2021

The Auckland Beerfest run by OUSA went well. “We think there’s about 3,600 people here,” said OUSA Events Manager Jason. He spoke over a background of rambling guitar and slurred conversations. “OUSA gets some funding from the uni, but we are constantly having to find new Read more...
Students Struggling to Find Employment
Posted 7:31pm Sunday 4th October 2020

Students are struggling to find jobs this summer. This may be related to the oncoming recession. 79.7% of students who responded to Critic’s online survey said that they were finding it harder than usual to find a job. Only 32.7% of respondents had actually found a summer job, compared to Read more...
OPINION: All Students Should be Eligible for Another Grade Bump
Posted 7:22pm Sunday 4th October 2020
Wednesday 12 August, 2020. A new Covid-19 community cluster is found in Auckland, and New Zealand is faced with the prospect of another lockdown. Thankfully, only Auckland actually faced another Level 3. However, immediately after the announcement, I found myself once again on Zoom calls, once again Read more...
#De-Gender Fashion
Posted 9:30pm Thursday 24th September 2020

From women wearing men’s tailored suits in the 1920s, to the sequins and disco-glamour of the 70s, to the new forms of androgynous fashion in the noughties and beyond, queerness and fashion have a long and complex history. In 2020, that relationship is even more evident, with the influence of Read more...
Telehealth Could Become Standard at Student Health
Posted 5:17pm Sunday 20th September 2020

At Alert Level 2, Student Health has been operating under a modified system, relying on “telehealth,” or phone-call appointments to supplement in-person ones. The telehealth appointments last the same length of time as an in-person appointment, and cost the same. To receive an Read more...
Decriminalisation and Decolonisation
Posted 5:01pm Sunday 20th September 2020

“What’s up with that taniwha Judith Collins being chill with the current discriminating laws when she herself has admitted to trying weed? Oh wait, racism, that’s right.” Judith Collins joins Helen Clark, Phil Goff and many other New Zealanders in carrying on New Read more...
Post-Colonial Faith
Posted 10:36pm Thursday 10th September 2020

“Māori theology is spiritual, but it’s also political.” Māori religion and theology has a long and complex history in Aotearoa New Zealand. Importantly, conversion of Māori to Christianity during the 1830s benefitted increasing Crown interest in land speculation: Read more...
OUSA Sexual Misconduct Policy in Final Stages
Posted 10:28pm Thursday 3rd September 2020

OUSA has finally developed their sexual misconduct policy, following allegations of sexual abuse within OUSA in 2009, and again in OUSA affiliated clubs in 2019 and 2020. The policy, which began development in 2019, is now in its final stages. It aims to achieve “a process to ensure Read more...
OPINION: Cover Your Damn Face
Posted 9:33pm Thursday 27th August 2020

People fucking suck at physical distancing. Honestly, tell me right now, can you accurately estimate what one or two metres looks like? If you see someone coming towards you on the footpath, can you safely physically distance? How many times have you passed someone just slightly too close at the Read more...
Students Disappointed at Loss of Dietitian Programme
Posted 9:28pm Thursday 27th August 2020

Students affected by the University of Otago’s loss of the Masters of Dietetics programme (MDiet) were disappointed by the lack of communication by the Human Nutrition Department. Rose, the President of the Human Nutrition Students Association, said that students were not given much advance Read more...

Naomii Seah
Staff Writer