Plea for Policy: Why the government should devolve social services to iwi
Posted 11:13am Sunday 31st July 2016

The 21st century so far has offered some significant ebbs in New Zealand race relations. If one were to ask a New Zealand politics student what the major blows for bi-culturalism were in the last 16 years you would likely receive a list of the following; the passing of the Foreshore and Seabed Act Read more...
Critic breakdown: Budget 2016
Posted 10:54am Sunday 29th May 2016

The government collects approximately $75 billion a year from income taxes, corporate taxes and GST. The budget is the annual allocation of government funds to state services and initiatives. The allocation covers all government spending from social welfare to health. Spending breakdown: Read more...
OUSA Execrable | Issue 13
Posted 10:21am Sunday 29th May 2016

The OUSA executive has suffered a major breakdown in communications according to Administrative-Vice President Jarred Griffiths. Last week Mr Griffiths released a statement saying communication between himself and President Laura Harris have broken down, following ongoing rumours of an Read more...
OUSA Execrable | Issue 12
Posted 10:22am Sunday 22nd May 2016

The OUSA programme to provide free flu vaccinations to students will be offering a mere 150 shots to the 20,000 students enrolled at Otago University. OUSA has negotiated with Student Health Services to provide 150 free flu vaccinations to students for two hours on Thursday 26 of May, with a Read more...
Campus Watch turns up heat on fire safety in flats
Posted 10:18am Sunday 22nd May 2016
Landlords should be responsible for ensuring working smoke alarms in student flats says Deputy Proctor Andrew Ferguson. The comments come following last week’s flat fire in the 6/60 flat on Castle Street where a fire begun early in the morning and continued to spread unbeknownst to the tenants Read more...
Dunedin addresses listed in Panama Papers
Posted 10:58am Sunday 15th May 2016
The release of 240,000 names by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) following the Panama Papers leak, has left many New Zealanders perplexed as to how they were implicated despite having no involvement in so-called “foreign trusts”. The online Read more...
Increased funding good news for Hep-C sufferers
Posted 10:49am Sunday 15th May 2016
Hepatitis-C suffers may be able to access currently unavailable, highly effective medicine in the near future following increased funding from the Government. Last week the Government announced an increase of $50 million to the PHARMAC—New Zealand’s drug buying agency. The Read more...
Posted 10:51am Sunday 8th May 2016

Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg may have signalled his intention to run for President of the United States sometime in the future. Facebook recently stated its proposed changes to the stock structure of the company, where a new class of non-voting shares would allow Zuckerberg to liquate Read more...
Acting Proctor unwilling to act on harassment claims
Posted 10:38am Sunday 8th May 2016
Acting Proctor Andrew Ferguson will not act on the accusations of harassment made by social work student Chris Boyd, saying Mr Boyd was offered the opportunity to meet with the then-Proctor Dave Miller which he refused. Last week fourth year social work student Chris Boyd contacted Critic with Read more...
Government signs historic Climate Change agreement
Posted 10:48am Sunday 1st May 2016
The Government has recently signed a major climate change reduction agreement in Paris, which according to the Minister for Climate Change Issues Paula Bennett will include a multi-faceted approach to reducing carbon emissions. The Paris agreement, which was finalised in December 2015, was signed Read more...

Henry Napier
Chief Reporter