Six Years of Dunedin Fair Trade
Posted 11:10am Sunday 10th May 2015

This year Dunedin is celebrating its sixth year of being a fair trade city. In celebration, the annual Fair Trade Fortnight is running from 8–22 May. Sze-En Lau, Coordinator of the University Volunteer Centre said the Fair Trade Fortnight is “a great way to highlight all the Read more...
Hospital Uses Compass to Search for Food
Posted 11:34am Sunday 3rd May 2015

The Southern District Health Board is considering drastic changes to the food sourcing for local hospitals and contemplating the use of an outsourcing company, the Compass Group. Currently, hospital food is sourced and made locally, providing jobs and income to companies based in the region. It Read more...
Uni Launches Peaceful Cartoon Contest
Posted 11:16am Sunday 19th April 2015

The University of Otago National Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies is hosting a peaceful cartoon competition in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo tragedy. The aim of the competition is to help encourage the international community to react in peaceful ways to controversial cartoons, as well as to Read more...
Fundraiser for Pam Victims
Posted 3:11pm Sunday 29th March 2015

L ast Monday the University of Otago held a concert to raise funds for Pacific Island nations. On 13 March, Cyclone Pam hit Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Vanuatu. Vanuatu was hit the hardest, with around 132,000 people affected. Pam was the worst natural disaster to ever hit the Read more...
Leaking Dunedin Hospital Helps Fish
Posted 5:30pm Sunday 8th March 2015

T his February, the Southern District Health Board (DHB) was issued with a BECA (an engineering consultancy group) report concerning the state of Dunedin Hospital, in particular the Clinical Services Building. The report outlined that the building would need to be replaced within ten years and Read more...
Outside Mullingar
Posted 4:35pm Sunday 22nd February 2015

Rating: 3/5 Outside Mullingar has too many faults to be more than average. The plot is classically Irish, with rain, farms, endless tea and family feuds in abundance. The First Act deals with death, family inheritance and lost love in an emotionally battering rollercoaster. Anthony Reilly is Read more...
Fears deepen as drought drags on
Posted 4:35pm Sunday 22nd February 2015

O n January 30 2015, the Otago Regional Council asked the government to officially recognise the devastating dry spell as a recorded drought, after the longest dry spell since 2004. Except for the Clutha River, most tributaries and rivers still have dangerously low levels, with no sign Read more...

Bridie Boyd
Deputy News Editor 2015