Jan 20 - Feb 18
While you may be enjoying life mentally and physically, it’s your financial wellbeing you should check in on. This is your yearly reminder that course related costs are not actually free money.
Drug to indulge in: Shrooms.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
It’s time to channel anxiety into action. Try running a marathon, booking a trip, or making an entirely irrational and unnecessary decision just because you can! You’ve got far too much pent-up stress to be doing nothing with it.
Drug to indulge in: Maladaptive daydreaming.
Mar 21 - Apr 19
Last week's new moon may bring forth revelations. Perhaps your best friend is keeping a secret from you, or your significant other is creating more problems than passion. Be aware of your instinct, and maybe sleep with one eye open.
Drug to indulge in: Acid, to see things for what they are.
Apr 20 - May 20
Last week's new moon may bring forth revelations. Perhaps your best friend is keeping a secret from you, or your significant other is creating more problems than passion. Be aware of your instinct, and maybe sleep with one eye open.
Drug to indulge in: Acid, to see things for what they are.
May 21 - Jun 20
Gemini! It’s time to expand your intellectual horizons. Try borrowing some new books from the library, or ask your conservative mate why they hate the poor. The more knowledge you acquire, the more personalities you can create!
Drug to indulge in: Gear.
Jun 21 - July 22
Cancer, it’s time to change up your personal style. As we move into autumn, take yourself on a shopping spree. If your emotions are anything to go by, you’ll have no problem drastically changing your fashion!
Drug to indulge in: Caffeine is probably enough for you lol.
July - Aug 22
Cancer, it’s time to change up your personal style. As we move into autumn, take yourself on a shopping spree. If your emotions are anything to go by, you’ll have no problem drastically changing your fashion!
Drug to indulge in: Caffeine is probably enough for you lol.
Aug 23 - Sep 22
Don’t stoop to the level of those around you. Remember to stay critical, judgmental, and analytical about everyone you encounter. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t x
Drug to indulge in: Serotonin from reading petty Reddit threads.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
Don’t stoop to the level of those around you. Remember to stay critical, judgmental, and analytical about everyone you encounter. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t x
Drug to indulge in: Serotonin from reading petty Reddit threads.
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Scorpio, this may sound harsh, but not every single person actually cares about the complex facets and micro details in your everyday life. Stop emotionally dumping on your friends. Instead, try making a TikTok or journaling to express your feelings.
Drug to indulge in: Just a vape, thanks.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Scorpio, this may sound harsh, but not every single person actually cares about the complex facets and micro details in your everyday life. Stop emotionally dumping on your friends. Instead, try making a TikTok or journaling to express your feelings.
Drug to indulge in: Just a vape, thanks.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
If there’s one thing you’re on, it’s anti-slaypressants. Yeesh. You are not rocking it right now, sweetie, and it’s because your personality is being diluted by some unnecessary external bullshit.
Drug to indulge in: Codeine.