Tormentum: Dark Sorrow
Posted 6:00pm Monday 15th August 2016

Rating: B- As we jump from one adventure game to another, Tormentum: Dark Sorrow is an indie horror adventure game that runs mainly on its fantastic art style. The makers of Tormentum were inspired by the art of Dark Souls, Zdzislaw Beksinski (who, by the way, is FANTASTIC) and HR Giger Read more...
Her Story
Posted 5:58pm Monday 15th August 2016

Rating: A It’s almost traditional that Full Motion Video (FMV) adventure games are utter shit. Their cutscenes were very poorly implemented, they contained no writing or acting of any merit, and they were unpleasant to play in every aspect. Fortunately, modern game developers only use an Read more...
Dark Souls III
Posted 12:54pm Sunday 7th August 2016

What a pleasant surprise for me that Dark Souls III came out on my birthday! I have been a massive fan of From Software’s esoteric and brutally difficult Souls games for a long time now. I finished the first Dark Souls game for the second time earlier this year. I’ve never gotten tired Read more...
Posted 12:39pm Sunday 29th May 2016

Rating: A- I have been waiting for Cradle to be released for a long time. It is an interesting narrative game that lived up to some of my expectations and fell short of others. It is proof that good writing, a dedicated art style, and a focus on atmosphere can be enough to make a game great. Less Read more...
Stephen’s Sausage Roll
Posted 12:59pm Sunday 22nd May 2016

Rating: B+ Think of the most difficult puzzle game that you have ever played and multiply it by a thousand. Then take away all instructions, add a lot of frustration and headache-induced pain, and you will get a game that is still only half as infuriatingly difficult as Stephen’s Sausage Read more...
The Witness
Posted 12:38pm Sunday 15th May 2016

Rating: A It is hard to make a player feel completely alone in a game and still keep them engaged. It is even harder to make a puzzle game that treats the player intelligently while forcing them to learn new problem-solving skills. The Witness is the latest puzzle game from game designer Jonathan Read more...
Posted 1:22pm Sunday 8th May 2016

Rating: F War is hell. This is a truism that has rung throughout the ages, with generation upon generation learning nothing from their predecessors. It is a morally and pragmatically complex business, with endless arguments about the necessity of some wars versus the abhorrence of others. Even in Read more...
That Dragon, Cancer
Posted 12:36pm Sunday 1st May 2016

Rating: A When you hear that a game has tackled the heavy topic of a child battling with cancer, it’s understandable you’d be skeptical. It’s likely to be emotionally manipulative, or merely uncomfortable rather than honest, or just corny. That Dragon, Cancer is none of these Read more...
Posted 1:18pm Sunday 3rd April 2016

Rating: B Superhot has got style. If you were to take the minimalistic washed-out aesthetic of Mirror’s Edge, turn all of the enemies into red glass, and add a pinch of the time manipulation from Braid, then you would get something resembling Superhot. It is less than three hours long, but Read more...
Dead of Winter
Posted 2:48pm Sunday 13th March 2016

The theme is the most overlooked aspect of any board game. When all of the game’s events, actions and individual components come together as parts of a cohesive whole, your response to the game as a player is similar to that of the characters you are playing as. Theming is hard to attain and Read more...
Campbell Calverley
Games Editor