Posted 11:47am Monday 9th October 2023

Shoutout Noisy. Shoutout ADJØ. Shoutout Albar. New Zealand needs to change the way we drink. We drink excessive amounts of alcohol and know no weekend tradition other than binge drinking. This behaviour is extremely dangerous, and it’s projected that if we continue drinking Read more...
Booze Review: Diesel & Cola
Posted 10:27am Sunday 1st October 2023

Diesel Bourbon & Cola, unlike other foul concoctions, makes you acutely aware of your own existence. It is not an elixir that conjures rationale or peace, rather it attempts to humble the drinker by bringing you a stone's throw from death. A true battle of body, mind, and spirit. Any breatha Read more...
Booze review: Nola’s Rich Ruby
Posted 9:59pm Sunday 24th September 2023

Are you a dignified son of a gun? One that skirts around the false perimeters that society places upon individuals? Constantly on guard for the street corners in which you protect? If that sounds like you, you’re likely a fortified wine drinker. We are a put-upon caste of people. Burdened with Read more...
Booze Review: Kahlua
Posted 12:15pm Monday 18th September 2023

My caffeine addiction only became a problem once I discovered Kahlua. There's something special about combining your vices, and the advent of Kahlua's coffee liqueur was a game changer. I'm multitasking stimulants and depressants like some kind of corporate wizard. If only Read more...
BOOZE: Panhead Supercharger APA
Posted 12:35pm Monday 11th September 2023

Is Panhead craft beer? It looks like craft beer, it costs like craft beer, it gets you incredibly drunk like craft beer… but it tastes like the green bottle stuff your dad’s been drinking for the last 35 years. Supercharger is a gateway beer to the craft world, though your dad will only Read more...
Posted 8:41pm Sunday 3rd September 2023

If the KGB are vodka and lemon, the CIA must be a shot of fireball delivered via lead into the back of your brain. KGBs are at the forefront of RTD supremacy. They are neck and neck with Billy Mav’s, each vying for the title of “favourite alcoholic beverage of the Read more...
BOOZE: Vodka
Posted 11:00pm Sunday 20th August 2023

Vodka benefits from great PR and is likely the most renowned spirit in the world, despite it being pretty boring. If you’re spending more than $60 on a bottle of vodka, you are a fool. That shit all tastes the same. “Wow, you can really taste that fourth filtration. It Read more...
BOOZE: Wild Moose
Posted 3:40pm Sunday 13th August 2023

Wild Moose is the greatest New Zealand/Canada collaboration since Gallipoli. Much like the mythical beast of Fiordland for which it’s named, our country is resigned to its existence and must drink in its honour. That moose is never going to turn up. You’d have an Read more...
BOOZE: Jägermeister
Posted 2:18pm Monday 7th August 2023

Some German guy - Meister Jäger, I assume - read 'George’s Marvellous Medicine' and thought, “Ya I can do zat,” and then all the other Germans were like, “I know it is only 1934, but this is ze best idea we have had in a while,” and so forth came Read more...
Booze review: MAJOR MAJOR
Posted 1:38pm Monday 31st July 2023

DUDE, before MAJOR MAJOR came into my life, I would have never had the confidence to drill a hole into the Vice Chancellor’s office and fill it with bees, but now with MAJOR MAJOR I’m living my true university experience! Let’s all go break bottles on the try-line of Victoria Read more...

Albert Einsteinlager