The Week the ODT Were Just Gosh Darn Adorable

This has been a difficult week for the ODT.



They shook their fists and told the blowhards to sock it off


Speaking of socks, this week the ODT experimented with wearing odd socks.



It was genuinely the most exciting thing that has happened to them since their granddaughter took her first step.  


In further ODT adorableness; they used ‘gay’ to mean playful and happy.



To be fair, I’m not sure whether the ODT knew that the word has ever been used in a different context.


Then the ODT sunk to reporting on their own advertisements. 



And then a story which is funny because of the dual use of the words “Cumming” and “breeders,” both of which are also funny words on their own.


In the ODT pandering to old people news, here’s some relatable content about eyesight deterioration.



And then some slap-your-knee haven’t-we-all-been-there quips about retirement.



And finally, some classic, cliché puns to round out the palette.


This article first appeared in Issue 20, 2018.
Posted 7:04pm Thursday 16th August 2018 by Charlie O’Mannin.