GARBAGE! EnviroWaste Red Bins GONEBURGER In Dunedin!
Posted 1:57am Saturday 9th July 2022 by Denzel Chung

At least one provider of Dunedin’s red bins, EnviroWaste, have pulled the plug on signing up new customers. Fears of an impending bin monopoly have been dismissed by EnviroWaste, who said the move is only temporary. A check of the EnviroWaste website using Dunedin addresses shows an Read more...
Catering Waste Thrown in Tips
Posted 3:07pm Sunday 18th July 2021 by Alex Leckie-Zaharic

Thanks to a tip-off from a student, Critic now knows what happens to extra food from University-catered events. A concerned student asked us to look into the apparent waste of food at University events. They reached out after they witnessed staff loading crates with uneaten food, apparently to be Read more...
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