Science, Bitches | Issue 25
Posted 2:15pm Sunday 27th September 2015 by Sam Fraser-Baxter
People often ponder what is the most urgent environmental issue confronting us. Is it climate change, species extinction or human overpopulation? The answer could be any of these. It is hard to predict which environmental issue may lead to an irreversible collapse in the planet’s Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 24
Posted 2:39pm Sunday 20th September 2015 by Vibhuti Patel
"Koro” is an Indonesian word meaning “shrinkage”, which accurately describes what people fear when they have genital retraction syndrome, as it’s called in the Western world. People with this syndrome have an overpowering belief that their penis (though, it has been Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 23
Posted 2:22pm Sunday 13th September 2015 by Sam Fraser-Baxter
Scientists recognise the Ross Sea as the world’s last pristine, intact ecosystem. The Ross Sea is a huge bay cutting into the Antarctic sea and continent. It is 4000 km from New Zealand, the most remote and southernmost fishery on the planet. Given its position, it is also completely Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 22
Posted 3:01pm Sunday 6th September 2015 by Sam Fraser-Baxter
Could robots take over? Should we fear a world where robots are smarter than humans? As we moved into the twenty-first century, the world became increasingly digitalised, mirroring fictional visions of the future with robots, instant communication and information sharing. Will the machines we Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 21
Posted 2:09pm Sunday 30th August 2015 by Sam Fraser
Are humans really as smart as we think we are? In a generally safe, urbanised and scientific world, one might argue that we are now rational, and act upon reason. Sophocles, an ancient Greek playwright, wrote “reason is God’s crowning gift to man”. Sophocles believed that Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 20
Posted 2:25pm Sunday 16th August 2015 by Sam Fraser
Isaac Newton is most famous for his work on the theory on gravity. In 1687, Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which is right up there with Darwin’s Origin of Life as one of the most influential science books ever published. The book laid down Newton’s three Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 19
Posted 2:13pm Sunday 9th August 2015 by Sam Fraser
Nature is weird. A recent discovery by a Japanese scientist has once again demonstrated this. After refuting prior knowledge, Masaru Hojo discovered something that could inspire a horror film script: ants that turn into obedient bodyguards after they receive secret signals from their Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 18
Posted 3:15pm Sunday 2nd August 2015 by Sam Fraser
Following the “shark attack” on Mick Fanning recently at J-Bay, Bruce (the shark) has been frequenting news headlines worldwide. The media, as expected, went nuts on the incident, reporting on pretty much anything they could write about, from the attack itself to Fanning’s Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 17
Posted 2:53pm Sunday 26th July 2015 by Sam Fraser
I love to sing. I am by no means an accomplished singer, but I find it’s a hell of a way to pass time and turn something as mundane as a walk to uni or a shift at work into something pretty entertaining. I’m stoked that it’s an instrument I will hopefully have and enjoy until Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 16
Posted 2:22pm Sunday 19th July 2015 by Sam Fraser
Einstein once speculated that if bees were to become extinct, the human race would die out in six years. While Einstein was by no means an expert biologist, he was alluding to the remarkable significance of bees to the world’s ecosystems. Bees are most well known for their ability to produce Read more...
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