2015 in Brief
Posted 12:01pm Sunday 4th October 2015
US Supreme Court Legalises Gay Marriage On 26 June, the US Supreme Court legalised the marriage of same-sex couples in all 50 states. After the decision was announced, the White House was illuminated in rainbow colours. An open supporter of gay marriage, President Obama said: “If Read more...
Vic Students Vote to Stay in NZUSA
Posted 11:39am Sunday 4th October 2015

Victoria University students voted to stay in the New Zealand Union of Student Associations (NZUSA) in a referendum held on 24 September. Students were asked whether the Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Assoication should withdraw or retain its membership of NZUSA, with 72 Read more...
All the Awards at Blues and Golds
Posted 11:33am Sunday 27th September 2015

Student achievements in sports and culture were celebrated at the OUSA Blues and Golds awards last Thursday. The Blues award for Sportsman of the Year went to Fa’asiu Fuatai, who has been selected for the All Blacks’ 7s squad after playing in the University of Otago Premier team. The Read more...
2016 Presidential Candidates
Posted 10:57am Sunday 27th September 2015
Payal Ramritu P ayal passionately discussed her neighbourhood project. Critic asked Payal to point out the biggest weakness of each of her fellow candidates, considering she has worked on the executive with all three. She felt Laura could be “intimidating”, Nina was Read more...
Execrable | Issue 25
Posted 10:44am Sunday 27th September 2015

An emergency executive meeting was held last Wednesday, three days after voting for the 2016 executive opened. Admin Vice President Isaac Yu ran the meeting because the current president, who is running for re-election next year, was “out campaigning”. The finance officer, who is also Read more...
Vigil for Pigs Shot at Otago
Posted 10:40am Sunday 27th September 2015

Animal rights activists held a silent vigil at Dunedin’s vivisection laboratory last week after learning live pigs were shot in the head during back-spatter experiments. Back-spatter is the term given to blood and tissue that issues from the entry wound caused by a bullet and moves Read more...
Auckland Trumps Otago for the Second Year
Posted 10:51am Sunday 20th September 2015
The University of Otago has been named as the only university in New Zealand whose worldwide ranking has dropped since 2014 in the QS world university rankings. In the recently released QS world university rankings, Otago was ranked at 173; this dropped from the 2014 ranking of 159. Otago has Read more...
Execrable | Issue 24
Posted 10:36am Sunday 20th September 2015

In order to garner a greater student audience, the executive held its meeting in the university’s Main Common Room. One spectator attended with sushi in hand, though Critic assumes he was simply trying to watch the football playing on the projector. President Paul Hunt spoke of the upcoming Read more...
Execrable | Issue 23
Posted 10:40am Sunday 13th September 2015

President Paul Hunt kicked off the dryest meeting of this year by outlining that Vice President Isaac Yu has been finalising a review of the Dunedin Craft Beer and Food Festival as well as other OUSA events. Hunt said Yu will make “potential recommendations” based on “what students Read more...
Execrable | Issue 22
Posted 10:43am Sunday 6th September 2015

The meeting kicked off with OUSA Events Manager Dan Hendra outlining what will be involved in the upcoming Dunedin Craft Beer and Food Festival. Hendra said the event, soon to be held for the third time, has four strategic goals. These are to “achieve a true town and gown event”, to Read more...

Laura Munro
News Editor 2015