Zine of the week | Issue 11
Posted 3:11pm Sunday 11th May 2014
Pamphlet published by See Sharp Press First published in Australia by Libertarian Socialist Organisation, 1979 Spray-paint did not cripple the World Trade Organisation in Seattle. The 11 September terrorist attacks did not bring down the United States. The bombing of Greenpeace’s ship, Read more...
Zine of the week - Midnight Cowgirl
Posted 4:31pm Sunday 13th April 2014

22 A5 Pages - Diary format Available at Blackstar Books Now, let me tell you about a friend of mine who knew the value of meeting people without judgment. His name is Jesus. Yes, there is such a thing as Christian Anarchism and some people practice this. Midnight Cowgirl is one account Read more...
How a Jacobin Ends | Opinion
Posted 4:26pm Sunday 6th October 2013
If you have read any of my columns, I hope you enjoyed them. I hope you felt personally addressed by them. I imagine you as I wish you to be: happy and constantly learning. As for me ... well, the revolutionary is a doomed man. Robespierre, the original Jacobin, was guillotined by his Read more...
OUSA Election Forums | Opinion
Posted 2:29pm Sunday 29th September 2013
In my mind, the success of any elected organisation is largely dependent on its leader(s), and whether or not they manage to unite an often disparate group of people under one banner in the name of getting shit done. Ruby Sycamore-Smith could name at least six other candidates she was Read more...
Jacobin Encourages Lawlessness | Opinion
Posted 3:48pm Sunday 1st September 2013
A young man who is a friend of theirs has cancer in the spine. He is just over twenty years old, is experiencing extreme nausea, and is in the late stages of the condition. I don’t really know who he is, but we share mutual friends and I know he is a brother of mine. We are all brothers in our Read more...
Jacobin on Hyde | Opinion
Posted 3:50pm Sunday 4th August 2013
Every year I have been at Otago there has been noise about the death of Scarfiedom in this very publication. My noise is probably no different … except it is personal. The personal is not always political, but in this case it is. At the heart of the issue of Scarfiedom is a type of Read more...
These Assholes Always Get Away … But Only For So Long | Opinion
Posted 3:59pm Sunday 21st July 2013
As I write this column it is Bastille Day in France. Bastille Day is a celebration for anyone proud of the French Republic and what it stands for; or, more accurately, what the French Republic stands on, namely the dead bodies of kings and tyrants. After deliberative options had been exhausted, the Read more...
Peter Dunne, Meet Your (Market) Maker
Posted 6:05pm Sunday 7th July 2013

IPredict.co.nz, the New Zealand news-based stock market, is particularly notable for its explicit endorsement of insider trading, which is illegal in the “real” stock market. This lies behind iPredict’s amazing track record: it’s more accurate than most professional political polling companies. Read more...