LILF | Issue 5
Posted 4:26pm Sunday 25th March 2012

Religion and Globalisation was supposed to be a paper that one takes to learn about religion, beliefs and the gods of the world. Little did I know that my thoughts would be much more occupied with a certain square-jawed, dark-eyed lecturer. Krishna’s got nothing on Will Sweetman. That first Read more...
LILF | Issue 4
Posted 4:27pm Sunday 18th March 2012

It was my first semester at Otago, and it could have been The Greatest Story Ever Told. My first paper, my first class – there you were. I arrived to class early and you were already waiting, preparing for the lesson. I chose a desk, sat down. Then I saw your face – and I was a believer. As you Read more...
LILF | Issue 3
Posted 6:37pm Sunday 11th March 2012

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an English lecturer in possession of a good student must be in want of a naughty schoolgirl encounter …” The old adage of not judging a book by its cover went out the window the first time I met the good Dr. Rogers. As our eyes locked Read more...
Posted 5:25pm Friday 24th February 2012

Hello, Peter. May I call you Peter? Whenever I ask you this in my head, you say that I can call you anything I like, and wink roguishly. Of course, I am more than willing to call you “sir”, if you would prefer. In my first year of study I had the delight of being in your CELS191 lectures, and Read more...
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