Edgar: "OUSA loses its Mojo"

Edgar: "OUSA loses its Mojo"

Last Tuesday saw the long-overdue demolition of OUSA building Mojo’s Hall, after over a year of inactivity in deciding what to do with the weather-damaged site. OUSA finally sold the condemned property for above market value to a land developer, who then instigated its demolition to make way for student housing.
Mojo’s Hall had in the past been used in conjunction with Clubs and Socs, holding an array of events from Ceroc Dancing to housing a temporary Daktory (cannabis dispensary) as part of a rally to reform cannabis laws during the Canna Bus Armistice Tour in 2010. However, Dunedin’s ferocious weather stole Mojo’s mojo earlier last year, when a storm severely impaired its structural integrity, putting an end to these antics.

Residents from a neighbouring property were home at the time of the demolition and experienced a shower of debris over their flat. The female residents described the demolition workers as “typical Southlanders who didn’t care that shit was falling on our house”. However, in their defense, one demo dude did venture over afterwards to check for any broken windows. When the girls replied that there had remarkably been no window-related damage, the “typical Southlander” remarked “what a bonus”. Obviously a job well done.

When asked why it took so long to make a decision over the fate of the site, OUSA President Logan Edgar remarked that any final decision was delayed, as OUSA was dealing with the spectre of VSM, which threatened to cut OUSA funding. Edgar also remarked that many other options for the site were considered. “OUSA ummed and ahed about it a bit, debating whether or not to use the site as a scarfie-themed Disneyland with beer bongs and rollercoasters”. Evidently, Edgar’s aspirations of being the posterboy of such an amusement park are now on hold.

Whilst writing this story Critic was very aware that many current students probably never went to Mojo’s. To completely debunk our theory Critic spoke with one student who, in a moment of sobriety, waded through her SoGo stained memory and paid homage to an “eclectic wee place” with tropical-themed paintings directly smeared onto its walls. Edgar meanwhile admitted to holding onto a brick from Mojo’s as a keepsake. What a sap.
This article first appeared in Issue 3, 2012.
Posted 6:37pm Sunday 11th March 2012 by Claudia Herron.