Re-O Comes to Queen St

Re-O Comes to Queen St

“Going to Castle Street as a third-year is embarrassing”

Re-O could see a Queen St spin-off after an announcement on the QUEEN/GEORGE 24 Facebook group was met with fierce support from the University’s third-year community. The admin of the page stated that it would be “an awesome opportunity for us…to send off those leaving this year! The idea is to host our own Re-O away from Castle (and freshers).” Luckily freshers don’t read Critic, so the secret is safe for now.

In a rare media appearance, the mysterious administrator of the page known simply as QUEEN GEORGE told Critic Te Ārohi that the event would hopefully “start a community for third-years without freshers.” QUEEN GEORGE confirmed there had been “decent interest” but failed to mention if all of the six possible spots had been filled, only stating that the lineup would be released to frothing third-years “before exams.”

The Facebook page was created on March 27th in opposition to the now bot-ridden Castle24. Now bolstering 1.1k members, the QUEEN/GEORGE 24 Facebook page is looking at putting its following into action in attempts to wrestle some of the party hegemony from Castle St.

The admin of the page, QUEEN GEORGE, took direct aim at the party culture on Castle street, with the bold claim that “second-years don’t know how to host.” Continuing their tirade, they suggested that “going to Castle Street as a third-year is embarrassing,” and the hosts were filled with “mainstream Aucklanders as per.” 

The anonymous admin’s call for Queen St’s rise seems to have been met with support from the wider community. Forty-eight people reacted to the Re-O post, and within 24 hours of the page’s release, 3/6 of the host spots had been taken. The admin’s removal of the post suggests that the line-up is now completely full. Flats rumoured to be involved in the week are Alcatraz and the Bunker, both of whom had St Patty’s day hisses prior to the Lake House event.

Speaking to the proposal, one third-year Cooper said he thought it was a “pretty good idea.” On the Castle St stigma he said, “You can’t really go down there now, so this is a good opportunity.” Zayna, a third-year who admits to being a Castle St breatha last year, told Critic that she thought it was a “really good thing.” She suggested that “There’s a real old student stigma at the University […] there’s first-years, then second-years, and then basically you’re nothing.” I’m nothing?

With strong backing from a resurgent third-year community, and what we assume is a full line-up, Queen St’s Re-O promises to meet expectations of those cast off from the Castle St mainstream. Unfortunately freshers, that’s not you.

This article first appeared in Issue 9, 2024.
Posted 9:48pm Friday 26th April 2024 by Hugh Askerud.