Trojan Cafe Locks Their Toilet to Students

Trojan Cafe Locks Their Toilet to Students

They’re not taking any of our shit (ha)

Everyone’s favourite post-town one-stop-kebab-shop Trojan Cafe has broken hearts (and bladders) after students noticed a questionable policy preventing customers from using its bathrooms. It’s almost like they want us to piss in public. 

The problem was outlined in a UoO Meaningful Confessions post from someone who “ordered [their] kebab at 2:30am and headed to the toilet, only to be refused use of the bathroom.” In her complaint, the confesser said she was “pretty fucked off that they happily took my money for a kebab but wouldn’t let a girl pee.” 

A Trojan employee, Zander, told Critic Te Ārohi that, “During normal working hours, our bathrooms remain open for everyone, paying customers or not […] but the toilets remain closed during those late weekend nights” when the business is not operating in its usual operating hours. Students frequent Trojan most commonly during these unusual operating hours because, well, why the fuck would you spend $20 on a kebab sober?

Critic Te Ārohi asked around for thoughts on the policy. One student, Dave* reckoned it was “crooked. I mean, it’s not that much of a hassle.” Nick, a third-year and retired fast food worker, commented that Trojan’s policy was common within the hospitality industry. Defending the policy, he stated, “Sure, it’s an inconvenience but I don’t think it’s illegal [...] When I worked in fast food we had to close the toilets at 10:30pm. We needed time to sanitise and clean the mess that was left during the day.” 

Another student, Hunter, agreed, stating, “There's honestly a McDonalds just down the road, surely just walk over there […] You’ve got to, at some point, respect the business’s rules.” 

*Name changed.

This article first appeared in Issue 9, 2024.
Posted 9:56pm Friday 26th April 2024 by Angus Rees.