Voices from Beyond the Grad | Issue 8
Posted 2:30pm Sunday 23rd April 2017 by Helen Heath

Come on body, move, I think to myself as I roll over onto my back and stare up at the white tent that encases my little world. Out of the corner of my eye Thai archaeologists and workers climb the wooden ladder out of our 4.5m deep pit. It is the final days of excavating, and saying that I am tired Read more...
Voices from Beyond the Grad | Issue 7
Posted 1:25pm Sunday 9th April 2017 by Kirio Birks

A new study by a team of international researchers claims that approximately 50 percent of PhD students suffer from mental health problems, ranging from chronic anxiety to clinical depression. This seems to be news to just about everybody except for postgrads. Even the new kids on the block are Read more...
Voices from Beyond the Grad | Issue 6
Posted 10:59am Sunday 2nd April 2017 by Critic

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12.0px; font: 7.5px DobraSlab} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 8.5px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12.0px; font: 7.5px DobraSlab} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 8.5px; Read more...
Voices from Beyond the Grad | Issue 5
Posted 11:10am Sunday 26th March 2017 by Claire Macindoe

The legend of the discovery of penicillin is one that is familiar in modern history. Alexander Fleming, a man not known for his cleanliness, leaves a petri dish unwashed for a couple of weeks – much like your flatmate’s dishes – and discovers a mould with mystical Read more...
Ray in Dunedin
Posted 2:42pm Sunday 19th March 2017 by Radhika Raghav

“What! Satyajit Ray in Dunedin!” was my reaction when Prof. Radner, my thesis advisor, told me about a film society that was screening three restored versions of Ray’s films. I was new to Dunedin and the first couple of months in the city, on a philosophical level, offered me a Read more...
Whānau Fit
Posted 2:31pm Sunday 12th March 2017 by Terina Raureti

Kia Ora whānau! Ko Terina Raureti tōku ingoa, ko Ngāti Raukawa tōku iwi, nō Otaki ahau. I started my postgrad journey last year when I discovered my passion in Māori Physical Education and Health and working within our Māori communities. To be honest, when I Read more...
Post-Grad & Broke
Posted 1:44pm Sunday 5th March 2017 by Philosophy of Zane

Hey Otago Ew-ni, We have a bone to pick with you. We need to talk about how “full” scholarships do not, in fact, cover the costs required to be a student. What is the purpose of a scholarship? To us, it is meant to allow someone to complete their studies, while not allowing Read more...
Interloan Guilt
Posted 1:14pm Sunday 26th February 2017 by Cameron Coombe

Over the course of completing my Masters I saw no need to read everything. If I picked the three most recognised sources on a topic, threw in an obscure reference where I could make one (this guy writing for this non-peer-reviewed undergraduate pre-Internet USSR journal says this, but he’s Read more...
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voices from beyond the grad