The Wolf of Wall Street
Posted 6:57pm Sunday 23rd February 2014

Grade: A+ In recent years, economic disparity has permeated society’s political zeitgeist, questioning whether it is ethical for such a small percentage of the population to control so much wealth and power, while so many struggle on the way side. Wolf of Wall Street gives a face to Read more...
Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
Posted 3:48pm Sunday 1st September 2013

Rating: 4/5 It’s hard to think of a film at this year’s Festival that is so perfectly equal parts educational and offbeat as this small Irish production about a Slovenian philosopher deconstructing some of the most influential films of the past 50 years. Slavoj Žižek is our phlegmatic guide Read more...
Posted 2:29pm Sunday 11th August 2013

Rating: 3.5/5 The American summer draws to an end, and no doubt millions of Americans have now attended “Shamu Stadium,” SeaWorld, to see Orca whales wave their dorsal fins limply, jump through hoops and engage in bizarre aquatic acrobats with their perpetually smiling trainers. However, what Read more...
Alex Wilson