Execrable | Issue 27
Posted 11:58pm Sunday 12th October 2014

This week’s meeting went on for nearly three hours, but the presence of the 2015 Executive made for a little more excitement than usual. 2015 OUSA President-elect Paul Hunt held the chair for this meeting to give him some experience as the incoming top dog. The Executive also welcomed the new Read more...
Craft Beer Festival Is a Hit For Dunedin
Posted 11:58pm Sunday 12th October 2014

This year’s Craft Beer and Food festival took place on Saturday 4 October. The event has been hailed as a success by organisers and attendees alike. The Critic team thoroughly enjoyed themselves, finding some new favourite brews, including Garage Project’s Tournesol and Green Man Brewery’s Read more...
Dunedin students’ private photos exploited online
Posted 6:08pm Wednesday 8th October 2014

On Tuesday 7 October 2014, a group called “Rack Appreciation Society Awareness” was created on Facebook. 24 hours later, over 2,000 women were members of the page. The group was formed out of disgust at the “Rack Appreciation Society” – a Facebook group formed two weeks ago, with over 4,000 Read more...
National media: Halls want porn
Posted 1:49pm Sunday 5th October 2014
Last week, 19-year-old University of Otago student Anton Hovius attracted nationwide attention after accusing the University of “draconian” alcohol and Internet usage policies at the Halls of Residence. His comments on the strict alcohol rules and blockage of various file sharing and pornography Read more...
2015 OUSA Executive election results
Posted 2:58pm Sunday 28th September 2014

The results are in for the 2015 OUSA Executive. The positions were all filled except for a 2015 International Officer. Paul Hunt won the position of OUSA President 2015 over Henri Faulkner. Faulkner thinks he “was really approachable” but notes that he failed to visit the halls, “didn’t Read more...
Execrable | Issue 24
Posted 3:00pm Sunday 21st September 2014

The meeting began with a round-up of everyone’s efforts this week. I’ll cover this quickly, because the rest of the meeting was a lot more interesting. OUSA President Ruby Sycamore-Smith continues work on the General Manager’s review. Education Officer Laura Harris has been attending the forums and Read more...
2015 OU$A Budget
Posted 3:00pm Sunday 21st September 2014

After a six-minute meeting by the OUSA Executive, the 2015 budget was passed on Monday 8 September 2014. The OUSA Executive assured Critic that further discussions had gone on behind the scenes, but we can’t report on secret chat and are skeptical of how much discussion did occur. The budget Read more...
Guest Editorial | Issue 24
Posted 3:00pm Sunday 21st September 2014

Elections are over! By the time you read this, you'll know who is the new top dog of the Government. I'll keep my election talk to a minimum here, it would be painful to both you and I to spend any more time on that topic. But in the middle of the political shit storm that has occurred over the Read more...
Execrable | Issue 23
Posted 4:38pm Sunday 14th September 2014
This Executive meeting was brief, but revealed a busier week for the team - enough to actually convince Critic that they may have met their hourly requirements! The Executive passed a motion to renovate the Aquatic Centre. They aim to spend $25,200 (excluding GST) on the vinyl flooring and Read more...
Execrable | Issue 22
Posted 11:52pm Sunday 7th September 2014
A new, much needed assistant to the Executive, Projects Officer Annabelle Boelema, kicked off the meeting with general reminders for the Executive members. Annabelle presented the plans for the Election; with just over two weeks to go, OUSA have the RockEnrol with Generation Zero, Back Benches by Read more...
Josie Cochrane
Editor 2015