Diatribe - 23
Posted 2:19am Monday 12th September 2011 by P. Bateman
It is a common belief that the "Exam period" of Otago life is detrimental to student romance. When exams are happening and a few weeks beforehand, it is apparently a terrible time for scuxing, flirting, sexing, doing spade work or making sweet love. It is commonly thought that as people go Read more...
Diatribe - 19
Posted 11:48pm Monday 8th August 2011 by Albert Delorino
Cycling is, I believe, one of the greatest pleasures in life and I feel that more people should be on two wheels. But I digress already. I fear that the aforementioned pastime/hobby/transport is becoming a rarity in our great country, in part due to the mandatory bicycle helmet law. If you’ve seen a Read more...
Diatribe - 18
Posted 4:12am Thursday 4th August 2011 by Carrie Bradshaw
Timaru gynacologist Dr Albert Makary recently claimed that New Zealand women treat sex like “paddock mating”. We’re too promiscuous and what’s more, we’re “glamourising” it (God forbid we would make something rather enjoyable look fun). Instead, Makary thinks we should be stigmatizing sex, Read more...
Diatribe - 17
Posted 11:43pm Monday 25th July 2011 by Marjo Cantus
Foreword: I’m still pretty young to Dunedin and New Zealand. This diatribe is therefore the expression of my feelings as an outsider and a newbie to Dunedin’s student and cultural life. I come from a country where protesting in the streets is almost a national sport. You may have in mind the cliché Read more...
Diatribe - 16
Posted 3:59am Monday 25th July 2011 by Mary-Rose Wiklund
Learning to drive is not just about getting a handle on indicating and turning a wheel – it is a journey of self-discovery. In other words, you discover just how angry you can get at other people, and at strangers no less. Personally, there is a group of people somewhere between those who drive Read more...
Diatribe - 15
Posted 4:41am Monday 11th July 2011 by Nick Gavigan
On Wednesday the 1st of June on live television, Murray Deaker described a man working on a sheep farm as “working like a nigger”. I write this on the evening of Friday 3rd, just a few hours after the ‘professional media’ wrote its first online article on the events. Two days late. Cue Sky TV Read more...
Diatribe - 14
Posted 4:16am Wednesday 6th July 2011 by Hazel Green
If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s the nation’s obsession with rugby. It’s an all-consuming obsession, one that some (namely Jim Flynn, God bless him), would say is bordering on the unhealthy. Expressing ambivalence/complete disinterest in our national sport is on par with treason. Say you Read more...
Diatribe - 13
Posted 12:55am Friday 1st July 2011 by Amelia Pond
Race relations in New Zealand is delicate discussion territory. I don’t pretend by any means to be an expert on the subject. I’m not a law student, I have never studied the Treaty outside of fourth form social studies, I am not Maori, I’m as pale and pasty as they come and I am originally from Read more...
Diatribe - 11
Posted 6:49am Thursday 19th May 2011 by Anonymous
“Despite current usage, the word [homosexual] is an adjective describing a sexual action, not a noun describing a recognisable type.” (Gore Vidal) I am a man, I have romantic relationships with men and I have sex with men. At the same time, I do not think of myself as “gay”, Read more...
Just Another Fucking Hipster
Posted 9:59pm Monday 9th May 2011 by Robert Smith
No social factor is contrived to be so important, or used so divisively, as one’s music taste. Seemingly above all other things, the particular pressure oscillations of air that one grants unhindered passage into one’s auditory senses is THE defining social boundary. Imagine walking into a Read more...