Greatest hits / Greatest shits | Issue 25

Greatest Hit

Without a doubt, Greatest Hit this week goes to John Oliver. Oliver is an American comedian who hosts Last Week Tonight, a show that essentially points out all the ludicrous things that have happened around the world. Last week, New Zealand featured! There’s nothing like a bit of international attention to put it all into perspective; Oliver had an enjoyable time mocking Steven Joyce’s flaccid defence of the Nats in Eminem’s lawsuit. “Pretty legal,” noted Oliver, is the same as “pretty dead.”

Greatest Shit

Kelvin Davis gets this one. Although a number of Labour supporters would’ve been happy he locked out Hone Harawira in Te Tai Tokerau, I personally think it was both damaging and ridiculous. The Nats actively encouraged their membership to vote for Davis, and in combination with Davis’ intense and public dislike of Kim Dotcom, it was enough to give Davis the seat. As a result, Internet-MANA got no seats. I, personally, would’ve liked to see Laila Harre and Winston Peters go head to head.
This article first appeared in Issue 25, 2014.
Posted 2:58pm Sunday 28th September 2014 by Carys Goodwin.