The Candidates: OUSA Presidential Election 2011

Logan Edgar: "I'm smart as fuck"

Where are you from?
I originate from the thriving Southern metropolis of Manapouri which is nestled firmly in the bosom of the majestic Fiordland National Park.
Why do you want to be President?
I know OUSA and VSM better than they know themselves. I’ve spent the last 5 months preparing for a VSM Environment in 2012.  With me as President of OUSA it will survive and prosper. I want to safe-guard and future-proof your students’ association for future Scarfie generations to enjoy. This is going to involve securing smart service levy agreements’ with the University, these negotiations have already started rolling and I would like to be here to ensure the outcome of them is what is best for the entire student body.
In saying that, I know as well as any old scarfie that we like to live in the here and now. So I am definitely keen to enhance the student experience for this year’s scarfies. The opportunity for fresh events makes my imagination run wilder than Joseph Fritzel at a family reunion.
What qualities and experience would you bring to the role?
I bring a previous 5 months in the role as President in which time I have learnt things that only time in office can give you. This includes understanding how all of OUSA’s assets fit together and the strong relationships with OUSA both internally and externally. With my simple scarfie roots I also have an inherent understanding of what events, support and changes students need from their association.  
What is your biggest weakness?
Who is your political hero?
Nelson Mandela is definitely an inspiration to me. I only lasted 2 days in prison and he lasted 27 years! Heck, the man is definitely a hero.
How are you going to deal with OUSA in the VSM environment?
I know exactly what OUSA will look like should a large number of funding scenarios play out and even though no one can say for certain what OUSA will end up looking like the dear sweet Scarfies of this great city can sleep soundly knowing that someone with informed vision is leading and nurturing their students’ association   
How do you rate your performance this year?
In my very biased opinion I’ve done a fantastic job…..Honest……Ask your mum ;) 
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learnt in the last 5 months as Pres?
If they’ve been awarded a knighthood they are not ‘fair game’. 
Worried about fee increases, proposals to limit entry to University?
I have always opposed increases to student fees. 
An educated nation is a strong nation and if lowering Uni entry means more kiwis are getting education then that is positive. But I mean how hard is NCEA really…. I got UE for fuck sakes. 
What are your ideas to increase student involvement and engagement in OUSA?
It’s time to tap into the great source of creativity, culture and MADness that is the student population of Dunedin, and develop new events to enhance the student experience. Our unique city is full of opportunities to do some next level shit ay! My vision is sick gigs not only for Orientation but throughout both semesters of study.
What would you do if you were a woman for a day?
Play with my tits for a good 9 hours….. and after that go experience how the other half live. 
What do you want to do when you grow up?
To quote the great Kanye West “Till I die I’m a fucking boss”
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play you?
Denzel Washington
If you won the lotto, what would you do with the money?
Put it on the warriors!
Posted 4:35am Monday 10th October 2011 by Critic.