OUSA Exec: Tēnā Koutou My Subjects!

Posted 9:15am Sunday 6th October 2024 by Liam White

Tēnā koutou my subjects! Congratulations on electing your second dictator in two years. Here’s to a hundred years of Liam’s rule – well, maybe not, but you get the idea! Long live the President! Elections don’t happen in isolation and the success of this election Read more...

Better Initiations & Flat Warmings: OUSA Exec Test Alternative Initiation Methods

Posted 8:30pm Sunday 22nd September 2024 by OUSA Exec

Initiations. The age-old tradition of the oldest university in Aotearoa – but also, not really. Students come and go, upholding the bastion of traditions in the name of the “true student experience” without realising they cycle out of the rotation faster than a cheap pair of Read more...

Exec Candidate Forums: A Summary

Posted 8:36pm Sunday 22nd September 2024 by Nina Brown

In the lead-up to the OUSA Exec elections for 2025, there was a full calendar of candidate forums last week. Each weekday at lunch, candidates for the different positions took to the stage for the chance to prove their dedication to the positions. The running trend of poor student engagement once Read more...

Unopposed Exec Positions a Cause for Concern?

Posted 8:43pm Sunday 22nd September 2024 by Hugh Askerud

For the second year running, the role of OUSA President is uncontested. Not only that, but three of the other roles – Finance and Strategy Officer, Welfare and Equity Rep, and International Rep – also have only one candidate. It’s a bit difficult to call it a democratic election Read more...

OUSA Column Half-Page Takeover

Posted 8:52pm Sunday 22nd September 2024 by Amelia Harris

Winning the half page in the critic was revolutionary for me, a fresher. So in true first-year fashion, I am outing mine and other’s embarrassing fresher moments for any second-years and above who didn’t stop reading after the word ‘fresher’.  Residential Halls The Read more...

40% of Current Exec Plan To Rerun for 2025

Posted 3:42am Monday 16th September 2024 by Hugh Askerud

Nominations were open last week for the 2025 OUSA Student Exec. Critic Te Ārohi can reveal that four out of ten of the current OUSA Student Exec (40% for you maths nerds out there) are planning on sticking around next year – either rerunning for their own positions or branching into other Read more...

OUSA Exec: Churr e te whānuk

Posted 4:02am Monday 16th September 2024 by Gemella Reynolds-Hatem

For non-Māori, some may ask why is Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori a thing? Why is there no English language week? Why do these Māori get a week to themselves?  Well, e te whānau, let me enlighten you my bro.  Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori is our birthright. It is the reo Read more...

OUSA Exec: How Rising Visa Fees Will Affect You

Posted 3:53pm Saturday 7th September 2024 by Ibuki Nishida

Konnichiwa besties, International Rep Buki here. If you haven’t heard, there was a shocking announcement from the government last month that visa fees will skyrocket from the 1st of October. Student visas are doubling from $375 to $750. Post-Study Work visas are more than doubling, rising Read more...

Nominations Are Open For 2025 OUSA Exec

Posted 3:27pm Saturday 7th September 2024 by Hugh Askerud

OUSA is opening its gates on Monday, September 9th (today for diligent readers) calling for nominations for all Exec positions. What does this mean? Basically, anyone who wants to can nominate themselves or a mate to be on the OUSA Exec, the student government around these parts. There are 12 Read more...

OUSA Exec: Presidential Address

Posted 6:11pm Sunday 25th August 2024 by Keegan Wells

I hear comments consistently about how “disengaged” students are. But I disagree. I think students have been made cripplingly poor, but not just in terms of wealth – also in terms of time. It’s led to student culture being drained without people even Read more...

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