Sex at The Dinner Table | Issue 17

Posted 11:08am Sunday 22nd July 2012

Friday night had come again, and as the flat sat down together there was another person at the dinner table. She had slightly tanned skin and round doe eyes that whispered “No one realises this but I’m wet right now” every time they blinked. But we noticed all right — how could we not? Many planets Read more...

Sex at The Dinner Table | Issue 16

Posted 5:14pm Sunday 15th July 2012

The stupidest of the last remaining social taboos is masturbation. Paedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality are understandably discouraged, but having a fap or a fiddle? Everyone does it. Sticky seats in the Celebrity Squares of the library? Flushed students emerging from a hot lecture with Tony Read more...

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