Poetry | Issue 22
Posted 5:17pm Sunday 2nd September 2012

A poem is an animal. You can love an animal too much, Like when my brother hugged His kindergarten hamster Too hard. When you love it too much It dies. You squeeze out the Eyes and blood and shit and soul, And then you are covered In shit and blood and you have a Read more...
Diatribe | Issue 18
Posted 2:45pm Sunday 29th July 2012

As a stereotypical arts student, I’ve been feeling besieged lately. The government is talking of tying education funding to job opportunities, smoking is being made financially crippling, and now they’re onto booze. Art, durries, booze: all of the vices that make life worth living are being Read more...
Poetry | Issue 5
Posted 4:26pm Sunday 25th March 2012
Like your secretly Methodist mother Says to justify the big spend, “Oh but it will go with anything, And look so good on a Special weekend.” To refresh after devouring The Colonel’s choice Or as a celebratory gesture To welcome some Wisterian’s Impending divorce. Read more...
Dan Luoni