Year’s End

In many ways, your time in Dunedin is a gift. I am especially aware of this when former students make contact and share that as they look back on their years in Dunedin, they feel very grateful. A core part of this Otago experience is the friendships we have here. Every now and then, we need to look after our friends.

Our year together is moving towards its end. For some of us it may even be the conclusion of our studies and time in Dunedin, and for all of us it is the conclusion of the 2012 academic year. But before we pack the car up or head out to the airport, we need to give exams our attention.

I want to encourage us all to take care of one another during this time. It can be so easy to become so focussed on “our wee world”, and forget to reach out to others. Our days can end up becoming determined solely by the exam schedule, and larger concerns are ignored, so if someone seems more stressed than usual or withdrawn, consider reaching out to them in some way. By doing so, we might be able to offer them the help that they need, and in a strange way we will end up helping ourselves as well.

We at Chaplaincy are mindful of you all through this time. You are in our prayers and thoughts, and as always we are available for support. But remember to try to timetable study wisely or creatively, get some good sleep time, make sure you are eating and drinking well, and take time for some breaks and exercise. All of this can help with self-support during this time.

Fr Mark Chamberlain
See for the Chaplains’ Guide to study and exam preparation.
This article first appeared in Issue 26, 2012.
Posted 5:01pm Sunday 30th September 2012 by Staff Reporter.