Science Bitches | Issue 6
Posted 2:08pm Sunday 2nd April 2017 by Ben Cravens
Whether it’s from tea, coffee, energy drinks, or a square of chocolate, just about everyone gets their morning pick me up from caffeine. But caffeine isn’t entirely benign. I missed my morning coffee today and already feel a host of the normal withdrawal symptoms that go along with Read more...
Science Bitches | Issue 4
Posted 2:02pm Sunday 26th March 2017 by Ben Cravens

When most people think of bees, they think of the adorable insects that give us honey. However, they’re much more than that. Our future is inextricably linked with theirs. Close to a third of America’s food supply requires honeybee pollination. But, since 2007, bees have been Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 20
Posted 1:17pm Sunday 21st August 2016 by Steve-o Hawkins

Many will argue that after you die, your soul will leave your body and rise to some sort of heaven… Perhaps, but what does happen, scientifically at least, is that you will rot down into your simplest form and most likely become some worms breakfast, lunch and if you’re over six foot Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 19
Posted 4:46pm Monday 15th August 2016 by Neil Dalphin

Imagine a world in which you no longer suffer freak attacks of slow internet connection, a world in which gamer-wannabes have to come up with a better excuse than lag to account for their obvious lack of skillz. Well, scientists have found a way to make this utopia real, using something called the Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 18
Posted 1:40pm Sunday 7th August 2016 by Neil Dalphin

You may have heard of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and you may have an opinion of them. Unfortunately, when people talk about GMOs they often overlook GMOs in research. The creation and use of GMOs is happening in universities everywhere (yes, even here). In fact most GMOs are single celled Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 17
Posted 12:54pm Sunday 31st July 2016 by Steve-o Hawkins

Have you ever wondered what actually happens when you put metal in the microwave? And no I'm not talking about stuffing it with your favourite pair of black skinny jeans or the t-shirt you last wore to that Slipknot concert, I'm talking about what happens when you chuck your knife and fork Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 16
Posted 12:18pm Sunday 24th July 2016 by Steve-o Hawkins

Humour me for a second, imagine as you’re sitting at the library reading this very article that you look out the window in a deep gaze. What if dinosaurs were alive and roaming past the very window you were looking out? Imagine a T-rex, with its gigantic razor teeth and hands smaller than Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 15
Posted 12:26pm Sunday 17th July 2016 by Steve-o Hawkins

If you’ve ever watched a gang of militants running around firing off rounds into the air, then it’s probably likely you’ve also wondered what happens when those bullets fall? Do these madmen end up with bullets in their heads themselves? Or do those in the town across the river get Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 13
Posted 12:03pm Sunday 29th May 2016 by Sam Fraser-Baxter

If everyone looked at the stars each night we would live a lot differently. When you stare into infinity you start to realise there are more important things to care about than what we do all day. You realise your place in the universe, in the world, in this life. So for this week’s science Read more...
Science, Bitches | Issue 12
Posted 12:04pm Sunday 22nd May 2016 by Sam Fraser-Baxter

Good grief Winter has finally arrived! With Dunedin’s temperatures falling it actually feels like winter. The freshers are undoubtedly freaking out as they’ve finally understood what ‘cold’ really means this far south. Dunedin’s Autumn, which felt more like an extended Read more...

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science, bitches