OUSA Exec: Presidential Address
Posted 6:11pm Sunday 25th August 2024 by Keegan Wells

I hear comments consistently about how “disengaged” students are. But I disagree. I think students have been made cripplingly poor, but not just in terms of wealth – also in terms of time. It’s led to student culture being drained without people even Read more...
OUSA Prez: Does the University Really Care About Student Opinion?
Posted 6:26pm Thursday 8th March 2018 by

I don’t know about you, but I don’t see the point in end of semester evaluations of your paper and lecturer if nothing ever gets done about it. Everyone seems to tell you it will be used to improve next year’s class, but does it really? Finishing the feedback cycle isn’t just Read more...
Critic Interviews: OUSA President Hugh Baird
Posted 11:13am Sunday 8th October 2017 by Joe Higham

OUSA President Hugh Baird speaks to Critic about what the successes and failures of his presidency, whether he considered running again, and his advice for President-elect Caitlin Barlow-Groome. Joe Higham: How different was the year from what you had expected it to be when you were in Read more...
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ousa president