ODT Watch | Issue 17
Posted 11:12am Sunday 30th July 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week, the ODT has some good old fist shaking to do. Damn those youths, with their internet and their riots and their non-arthritic hips. Then, a very serious story that is also inextricably funny. I think it’s because I imagine mushrooms the exact size Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 16
Posted 5:43pm Monday 24th July 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

This week the ODT had a stern word with their neighbours about the recent noise complaints made during one of the ODT’s all night bangers. One ODT employee was overheard yelling, “You can’t go to the media, we are the media”. Suddenly, something mysterious Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 15
Posted 11:30am Sunday 16th July 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week, the ODT is getting all down on optimism. The ODT gave up on its dream of being a dancer a long time ago. Next, the ODT is worried. Deeply worried. It has lost its reflection. All it sees when it looks into the burnished bronze disk, the one that the Regions Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 14
Posted 11:20am Sunday 9th July 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

The ODT has spent the break deep in thought. The ODT is currently accepting submissions on the problem in the form of be-splattered tissues. In other news, an isolated cabbage farmer struggled out of a nightmare in sheets lathered with sweat. “Oh no,” he Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 13
Posted 11:28am Sunday 28th May 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week, the ODT has discovered someone with superhuman powers. Of course, personally I prefer CEOs who remain firmly in the past, or, better yet, just sit and stare into space with profundity, and maybe a little drool. Next, some people have had a rather unfortunate Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 12
Posted 11:46am Sunday 21st May 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week, a waste of six words. The many-limbed amorphous blob that is the ODT got wet on its shuffle to work this morning. Tired of the inconveniences of Earth, a sentient tentacle slopped on a keyboard. The ODT just wants to go Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 11
Posted 11:12am Sunday 14th May 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week the ODT has evil tidings. Expect military conscription to start any day now. The ODT went to see a theatrical performance this week. Thanks ODT, we value your input. The ODT didn’t stop there. They started to think about Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 10
Posted 2:57pm Sunday 7th May 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week the ODT has a story about a time travelling child who was also inexplicably drafted into the armed services. Either that or the ODT just made a characteristically insensitive ‘veteran’ pun. It says a lot about sheep breeding as a talent that the Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 9
Posted 11:11am Sunday 30th April 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

To start this week, the ODT have decided, once again, to hedge their bets. Poor agnostics Next, the ODT presents their latest champion of justice Wool has spent the last decade learning martial arts in a remote mountain cave A throwback to the golden age Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 8
Posted 11:15am Sunday 23rd April 2017 by Charlie O’Mannin

They march out of the dramatic mist, the team that will save us. Dripping with heroism, they strike a pose, ready to confront the forces of evil. Next, we head to the toxic swamp that is the column section. Yeah, that message about how shit it was that the Pope was giving out Read more...
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odt watch